Five Ways to Simplify Your Life

Ulka M.
2 min readNov 17, 2020
Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

Life is complicated! It is often full of stressors that feel like a roadblock. Wouldn’t it be so easy if you knew the one thing that you could do to change the way you feel when you’re worried and beaten down? Well, here are not one but five simple ways to take immediate control of your life and to simplify it. When you feel tensed and helpless, these simple ways can help you get a perspective to transform your life.

1. Take Responsibility

The only actions that you can truly control are your own. Take responsibility for things in your life. When you let go of the expectations, you free yourself of dependence and take back the key to your happiness.

2. Find your groove

Always have a playlist that can drive away the blues. Music can help you smile and is instant therapy that can help you heal in your worst moments. Give it an added boost by dancing to your jam or even singing, even if it is just in your head.

3. Celebrate the small joys

Every breath is a blessing; celebrate life, and the moments it brings with it. Enjoy that ice cream, take the night off, read a book, or do things that make you happy. These joys help you understand what life is really about.

4. Be grateful

It is easy to be overwhelmed by what life throws at you. These events take a toll on you. Being grateful makes you realize that you’re still standing after being through everything, you’re not alone, and helps the baggage feel lighter than it is.

5. Energize

Pump your brain and body with exercise. Take time to get fit, do puzzles, read books, or do anything that can help you grow. Any workout is incomplete without nutrition. Feed your body with good food and brain with good thoughts!



Ulka M.

The girl who believes in life, love, goals, and never giving up. A free-spirited writer with a positive outlook on life and emotions.